In relationship,
much can be learned …and gained.
Research Outcomes.
Evidence-based research studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of the Blueprint approach:
The evaluation and impact analysis report of First Responder Resiliency Program by the University of Canberra evaluation team.
An independent research study of the Blueprint First Responder Resiliency Program (FRRP) by the University of Canberra, funded by Movember Canada, demonstrated evidence of its positive impacts on individuals, families, and workplaces.
Beginning in 2021, the University of Canberra studied post-program evaluations by FRRP participants over two years. Researchers evaluated participants’ reporting on trauma-related stress, depression, anxiety, as well as satisfaction with quality of life, engagement with social supports, and resilience, both prior to participating in the program and in the weeks and months following program completion.
Download a PDF summary of the research study.
Read the news release about the research study.
A Mixed-methods Evaluation of Group Therapy Intervention to Alleviate Psychological Distress in a Canadian Setting
In a 2023 study assessing the effects of guided, group therapy on depression and mental well-being among men, researchers found that men with prostate cancer who speak of their experience in a facilitated group setting that incorporates life review appear to gain insight into the impact of trauma in their lives.
The research team, which included Blueprint clinicians, found that the experience of ‘speaking the unspeakable’ helped diminish features of depression and isolation, and enhance their communication skills within the groups as well as with family members and friends.
An article by the authors on this research was published in the June 2023 edition (Vol. 31) of Supportive Care in Cancer.